The Place of Infinite Peace

Green Infinite Inner PeaceWe all have the ability to know our natural state of inner-peace. It’s always there, always accessible…but not always our main state of being.

For the past few months, as Summer faded through Fall and into Winter, I have felt the pull of darkness in my spirit. This happens to me every year. I’ve written poems about it, fought it, tried to nurture it, but it always happens. Shorter days and colder temperatures dampen my spirits.
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Blogs-Apart, TxDave’s method

Txdave is a good example of a new breed of blogger. He doesn’t sit on one blog and wait for traffic. By creating multiple blogs with slightly varied purposes, he creates spin, connecting each to the other, forming a nucleus to build on. And the blogs offer sage advice on life, simple, inspiring photos and ideas. His newest one, Blogs Apart, features blogs he likes, like mine for example, which helps build mutual traffic. You can check out his other blogs, Brownies for Breakfast, Waterfalls Uplift, and Assertiveness Succeeds. Though they overlap a lot of the same content, at least it’s healing and positive. Can you blame him for wanting to benefit from sharing good vibes? Good job, Dave. Keep up the good work.

Peter in Search of Pan

This pure poetry blog Peter in Search of Pan, by Bill Piety, offers nearly daily poetic musings. Rich in images, personality and easy rhythm, his poems often sprout from events in his life (I assume), though some have the tone of an Irish or Scottish ballad. Their informal style invites you in, fulfilling the invitation with lots of particular details and mellow philosophical musings. I always come away satisfied, as if I’ve eaten a small but succulent piece of chocolate. Speaking of succulent, the photo of his lips in the about section is a cherry on the sundae treat of his wonderful poems.

i watched a laddy dying, laughing as the gulls began their mourning
wail, wrapped my toes in sea salt as the tide began its hungry prowl,
and waited for the angels

Dirty Enlightenment and Pesto

Pesto StuffA few months ago I saw a tiny article in the local paper about dirt. Apparently, studies suggest a little grime might keep you healthy. Sewer rats showed more vigorous immune systems than their clean, lab rat counterparts. I knew there was a good reason I don’t clean my house! (much)

But, seriously… Yes, I always get serious. Must be my Welsh genes. They even have a word for it over there, Hiraeth, an ineffable yearning, a longing for something, a perennial vision of a golden age at once lost and never found. Poetry and music are highly valued and practiced throughout all Welsh culture. Poetry contests are common, and everyone sings in a choir.

Since I plan to submit my blog to 9rules round 5, I thought I’d say a little bit about my goals in life and dirt and pesto. Continue reading