The Smiling Higher Self

Higher Self watches as I struggle with the drama of ego; reacting to situations with selfishness, desiring control, judging, pulling away emotionally when things don’t go well, giving up easily, avoiding failure.

This lighter Spiritual Self smiles and gently nudges me back into the flow, reminding me to be in the moment without attaching to or rejecting it. With this higher part of me fully conscious, I gently embrace the emotions and fears I feel without being limited or dragged down by them, without giving into their endless drama.
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Pennies from Heaven

Raymond of ZenChill offered a sweet true story of pennies from heaven. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s good to have a simple reminder that fortune is near when pennies appear. Visualize fortune and open yourself and watch for it. You will attract it.


True Katydid
pondering the beauty in life is not enough to feed my spirit. Those times the dark side keeps me sane. This poem is about seeing clearly what is before me, not just rosy hopes. As Richard Bach wrote in his book Illusions, “Perspective. Use it or lose it.” The truth is often not pleasant when looked at closely.

Lost in the crowd of mumbling voices
I barely know what to say, at least out loud.
They all were telling me it was Katy,
“Katy did it, Katy did, Katy…” Katy did what?
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