Glittering Commentari 16, Gay Species

Stephen of Gay Species left this intense comment on Bruce’s blog, Not So Different. The original post is about Bruce’s struggle with his gay identity. Though he is very “out” and supportes equal rights for all gays, he feels guilty for sometimes being uncomfortable with the radical social politics of overtly effeminate or butch leather gay culture. His questioning is gentle and open-minded.

The comment below makes a point I have touched on in early posts here on Glittering Muse, but which I didn’t want to push too far. I, like Bruce, want to support my own “culture”, yet can’t resist questioning the integrity of some of its more fringe elements. Like the commenter below, I want gay culture to “grow up” and evolve, both socially and spiritually. Continue reading

Traffic Advice at 9rules

I’ve been following the good advice offered at 9rules as they build to Round 5 of submissions. And I’ve heeded a lot of it. I’ve cleaned and designed and streamlined and written. Recently I added the WP “Tags in the Head” plugin and set it up. My traffic doubled within days. Now it’s at a whopping 350 unique visitors a day. I know, big deal, but it is to me. As far as traffic, I don’t think I’m greedy, just a little needy, of attention. Being a performing artist, a clarinetist, I thrive on the public. I love interacting with people. So for me it’s not about money, just lots of love, or not. I enjoy attention of any kind.

Pyramid of Living, the Value of Play

Eye of the PyramidYou know the food pyramid, right? It lists the foods you need the most of at the bottom, the basics like bread, grains, pasta, then veggies and fruits next, then there’s then proteins, nuts and meats, then cheeses and dairy, then oils and fats. The way it’s set up, the top are the rich foods you need the smallest quantities of, with the largest portions suggestions at the bottom.

What about a pyramid of living health, a pyramid for living with quality? However, as I imagine it, the top is the guide of all activities below. While the lower activities are crucial to living physically, as we approach the top the activities become more abstract, yet more important to creating meaning and balance. Richer is better in my pyramid.
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The Problem with God

I’ve been reading a fun book called, “Buddha or Bust” by Perry Garfinkel. It’s part travel journalism, part social studies, part history, part self-exploration. He traces the history of Buddhism from its origins in India to the various countries and cultures as the spiritual tradition spread East. During his travels, he also highlights some new directions in which Buddhism is moving.
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