Dirty Enlightenment and Pesto

Pesto StuffA few months ago I saw a tiny article in the local paper about dirt. Apparently, studies suggest a little grime might keep you healthy. Sewer rats showed more vigorous immune systems than their clean, lab rat counterparts. I knew there was a good reason I don’t clean my house! (much)

But, seriously… Yes, I always get serious. Must be my Welsh genes. They even have a word for it over there, Hiraeth, an ineffable yearning, a longing for something, a perennial vision of a golden age at once lost and never found. Poetry and music are highly valued and practiced throughout all Welsh culture. Poetry contests are common, and everyone sings in a choir.

Since I plan to submit my blog to 9rules round 5, I thought I’d say a little bit about my goals in life and dirt and pesto. Continue reading

Dissolving the Illusion of Separateness

Clouds seen from behind wire gridI recently saw a bumper sticker which said: “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” It’s so simple and clear. But what does it mean?

Right next to that one was another sticker which said something like this: “Spirituality is learning to break free of the illusion of separateness.”

Ultimately, the hardest thing to understand about our existence is that we are never born and we never die. Our energy and life comes from the star stuff of the cosmos. We don’t appear from nowhere. When we die we don’t go to nowhere, either. So our human existence comes and goes without being born or dying. We are like characters in a play who seem to appear from offstage, but were already back there, just waiting to come on. Or, we are like water which can become rain, or a river, or a cloud, or invisible humidity, but the molecules are always there.

Unfortunately, the illusion of separateness is powerful. Our bodies, the temporary vehicles of our human incarnation, are finite. Physically, we can be hurt or killed, starve, drown, burn, break bones, lose sight, or any number of agonies. But the gift we are born with is the ability, the possibility of transcending those limitations. We can be human and cultivate our inner freedom to the point of overcoming our faults, our problems, our suffering.

The process of understanding how we really are is what makes spirituality necessary, to help us realize the truth about our nature as conscious beings. Spirituality is the process of learning to dissolve the illusion of our separateness from nature, other humans, our planet, the stars and the entire cosmos.

This is where spiritual practices come in. The essence of most religions is a spiritual practice. It is that essence which I focus on here in this blog. How can we grow in the understanding of our true spiritual natures? How can we overcome the agony of our separateness, with its loneliness, fear, judgment or hate? How can we begin to understand that in truth, we are always valid, always infinite. And that spiritual Self cannot be burned, cannot be drowned, cannot die.

The truth is that you are the world, that heaven is something accessible to each of you, and that no one can take that away or give it to you. You just need to open yourself to the truth and your journey will begin.

Body Awareness, Confidence and Spirit

After studying body awareness for awhile through the Alexander Technique, I embraced the health and balance of my body not as something to get other things, not as a physical object to be purchased by the acceptance or praise of others. Physical health and poise are not an ends in themselves. Instead, they determines quality of giving I can offer to the world. My body is the instrument of my living Spirit, a prize possession to be shared and cherished.

Like any instrument, if you play it long enough out of tune, without practicing or refining the quality of its freedom, you are likely left dulled and numb, disconnected from the vitality of Life. I see my body instrument as a necessary indulgence to a vital Spirit.
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Being and Ideas: Living from the Inside Out.

Long, Wide, Mountains and MindThe problem with modern existence in a corporate, capitalist world is that we are bombarded with concepts, ideas and products to fill our every desire, and which, in turn, create products of us and our lives. We have little chance to simply be. We eat, sleep, exercise, work and play under the explicit influence of the “best” way to do all these things.

A counselor once told me I needed a T shirt which says, ” The Should man…” to remind me what not to do. She meant that I live in a flood of “shoulds”. I should work, exercise, eat well, have fun, call friends…Yes, I even make work out of fun things. I felt like a puppet dragged about by strings of goals, ideas, concepts, lists. I existed only in terms of what I accomplished, driven by deadlines.

I used to have a list of “to do” things pulling me forward first thing in the morning. Now I stay present in my body and awareness as I decide and intend what I will do. In the first case, I am not in control. In the second, I am.
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