power of words

After reading this poem by Antonia at Reluctant Painter, I wrote this:

the throat has no subtle strangulation
when met by rhythms such as those
beating hearts that slip off
the page into my porcelain soul

i take my leave
midst the course palpitations,
check my vigil at the door
and wisp myself away

on the words you leave me with
while going about your day
unconcerned with my fate,
my formidable challenge

8 thoughts on “power of words

  1. My forehead
    moves to frowining aggravation
    to think that someone might have been
    sending words that have no thought
    no moment’s tender taking
    to spare for a kind one,
    a strong and gentle man

    for Garnet

  2. Liz- thank you for the gift poem. very sweet.

    The pain of my little ditty is a poignant, almost sweet wound inflicted by beauty, the beauty I felt when reading Antonia’s poem Kundalini. I wrote the first part as a comment, to convey how choked up I felt after reading it.

    Shyloh-Thank you. I liked your site. Please come visit again.

  3. Antonia, I’m so honored to have you visit and leave a note! Really, that means a lot to me.

    To both Antonia and Yemanja, it’s comments like yours which justify the effort. Thank you. G

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