San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders explains his eleventh hour switch in deciding to sign a city resolution legitimizing full marriage rights for Gays in San Diego.
He explains with great emotion that civil unions are not an acceptable alternative, because they are a “separate but equal” right. US history has shown that those kinds of compromises are not up to the standards of the US Constitution.
Mayor Sanders’ almost embarrassing emotion betrays his deeply felt conviction in making this decision. Sanders states he followed his heart in this choice. He will undoubtedly suffer serious political consequences from the far Right for this decision. However, he may also be heralded as a leader of a broader movement supporting equal rights for all proud American citizens who wish to commit to a life together in marriage.
Wow. I must confess i’d never heard of Jerry Sanders. Till now. I hope other mayors and other politicians have seen this. This is the kind of moment that really makes a difference.
It really hurts to have other people treat us unequally. I feel like i’ve been holding the grief inside from the 4 legislated hate propositions that passed on November 4th.
If he votes for gay marriage he is not a Republican but a Democarat, and that’s not a complement. It is Republicans like Sanders that are taking from the true values of the Conservative Party.
@lisa: eyes rolling, throwing hands up in the air… Ayeyeyeye. Go stick your head back in the sand and keep it there.