Check out this Healing Blog!

Calling to all those who write about healing, conscious living, spirituality, personal growth, and to their readers. Check out this blog by my Internet friend, Noël Kingsley.

(Happy Thanksgiving to you. “My Cooking Blog” in the header menu above describes what I’ll serving for dinner.)

Nöel is an Alexander Teacher, which has no meaning to most of you. Yet another reason to pop over there! It’s the ultimate tool for balanced living. Anyone interested in the following subjects could benefit from reading Noël’s blog: Law of Attraction, Conscious Living, Conscious Growth, Spirituality, Secular Spirituality, Humanism, Integral Spirituality, and many more.

11 thoughts on “Check out this Healing Blog!

  1. Don, I hope others will also go over and say hello. Noel’s blog offers valuable advice for living with more balance, both physically and emotionally.

  2. I just checked out Noel’s blog- thanks for the tip. It’s a great idea to develop an attitude of gratitude daily, not just on T-Day. I’m working on it. If I can be grateful as a way of life, and meditate regularly, I’ll have it made, I think. These reminders keep the course on my screen.

    Thank you,

  3. Hi David,
    I’m blushing, …..Thanks for your kind words on my site. It’s lovely to have some of your regular readers look in. Everyone welcome! By sharing ideas and linking with like minded individuals on spiritual and health matters, it’s amazing how our emotional energy lifts and lifts. It works synergistically so we get better and feel better….. 🙂

    Love your new look blog, David.


  4. Great blog! I’m finding more and more blogs that talk about the law of attraction and I don’t think this is a coincidence!

    I have been following all the media attention about The Secret and all the resulting controversy. I bought the original DVD.

    Here’s one of my favorite picks. Your readers may be interested in learning about it. It’s a law of attraction resource website I’ve put up with free articles, videos and audios about the law of attraction that will transform your way of thinking, doing, being and having.

    Law Of Abundant Attraction


  5. Alexander technique is very interesting it is one of the only methods I haven’t tested in my ten year search for healing from crippling arthritis…maybe I’ll check it out here in Tucson, Arizona and maybe if it lives up to expectations put some footage of me using it in my upcoming documentary film Walking! Which is of course about my attempt to recover fully…

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