Thoughts on Connectedness

Blogging is limited by what is posted. If it’s not mentioned, it doesn’t exist, at least here on this blog. Though it may seem cliche to post about what everyone else will post about, it’s imperative that we acknowledge what must be acknowledged. We must express our various thoughtful and heartfelt meditations for the massive tragedy in Pakistan, which is, amazingly, still pale by comparison to the death toll of the Tsunami last year. And which I’m sure most of us hardly think of now, including myself. The disaster in New Orleans was a drop in the bucket by these standards, yet it took it’s toll on our culture and national spirit. The problem is how to keep these good intentions alive for more that a week or two. We live in a relatively stable political world, by historical standards. But the rage of the planet cannot be negotiated or quelled.

I was just over at Animated Stardust and read her moving meditation of the interconnectedness of all life. I pass the microphone to her, for I cannot find better words to express what I feel now.

5 thoughts on “Thoughts on Connectedness

  1. This post reminds me of my self-absorption. I have been divorced from world events for quite a while, having not watched TV or read the newspaper. I am inspired now to peek out of the sand and see what role I might play in the world’s healing.

  2. I was writing a comment on your post and suddenly found myself composing an entire blog entry on the theme of the first two sentences. I’ll complete my thoughts and put them out on DesignerBlog tonight. Thank you so much–you really get me thinking.

    Hugs from,

  3. Is it me or does it seem like we’ve been hit with more grief from mother nature these past few years. Do you think she’s trying to tell us something?

  4. Garnet,
    Your voice has become so strong, using your unique insight to lead us to see and think in new ways. I went and read and felt the things you felt. Thank you for pointing the direction. Sometimes the off road path is the one with the view that all others miss.

  5. I simply can’t think of anything else to say – you’ve left me speechless, which is why I am writing.

    It is indeed quite a rarity to have left ME without comment.

    Excepting to say, of course, that you are very right. I’ve certainly enjoyed my visit, and I shall return!

    – Trisha
    Mayo Brains – Spreading Thought

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