September Haiku

September suns rays
slice across verdant gardens.
Cold nights chill my toes.

Summer emptied.
I use days up as they come.
Silk breeze on my thigh.

Kitchen counter full.
Fall bounty clogs big pots.
Earth oars down the clock.

Rake dreams with windows open.
Kaleidescope trees.
Leaves need many big bags filled.

Pace this day’s flight with tastes
of Summer’s ripe bounty.
Pesto’s delight greens my mouth.

Morning mist weighs down dawn
Between Summer and Fall.
Coffee tastes better in cold weather.

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9 thoughts on “September Haiku

  1. I love the first one–so perfectly describes life at this moment. Those days were warmth lingers and cold starts to creep in slowly at night…telling you he’s coming and there’s no stopping him.

    You know I haven’t written a haiku since my 12th grade Creative Writing class…it’s been a long time.

    PS: As soon as I find a good comment for you I’ll add it~

  2. SW- do you recognize the first one from your cloud haiku post? Of course, a third of it is different. Thanks for the inspiration…

    Jennifer-I like the first one too. The 4th one needs work. I really hope you come back to share some comments from your own blog.

  3. Well of course I am partial to the last one, anything having to do with coffee automatically rings an internal bell. The mist and the dew, very apt. I am feeling very betwixt and between these days, as the seasons transition.

  4. The last one is terrific, especially that unexpected caffeine kick in the third line. You really evoke the moment we’re in where I live, too.

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