Princess Sonya Update

Princess Sonya will be heading East with me tomorrow. I’m taking her to Mom, where she will, hopefully, make her home. We’ve grown closer the past two weeks. She’s finally starting to relax and not panic every time I get up from the computer or go to the bathroom, as if I were leaving her forever.

We have some games now. She plays fetch with her favorite raw hide bone. It’s so cute watching her, all perky and puppy like, racing the whole 6 feet distance to the bone, pouncing, fur flopping, like it’s a huge accomplishment. And she likes to dance, twinkle toes, around my feet when I dance around her.

I gave her a bath today, and brushed the wet hair out, while she stood perfectly still. Then, as she dried, her silky hair shone, and I swear she knew how good she looked! She just pranced around showing off. Goodness, what a ham.

But I think she’s really a quiet, lap loving, regular schedule kind of princess, and that’s what Mom will provide her. Let’s hope the chemistry clicks.

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